Customer Services Assistant


Customer Services Assistant

工作內容 :

負責接聽客人電話查詢, 預約體檢服務及確認預約服務時間, 處理日常中心運作及一般文書處理
薪金 :

每月$12,500, 有酌情性花紅 及醫療福利, 上午9時至下午6時半, 每週工作5天,輪班,輪休, 每天工作 8.5 小時 ...

要求學歷 :

Secondary 5; Fluent Cantonese preferred; Fair Putonghua ; Fair English ; Able to read & write Chinese ; Able to read & write simple English ; Word-processing; Eng/Chi PC operation; Changjie / Simplified Changjie input method; Basic Computer Operatio


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